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Common Questions asked about Christianity
Thursday 25 July 2013 • 15:47 • 1 comments

 Hi, this is Bryan Lee and i'm here are some of the common questions people usually asked regarding Christianity.

1. Can Christian date or marry a non-christian? From a christian point of view, dating a non believe is an unwise thing to do and marry one is definitely not an option. The Bible says tells the Christian "do not be yoked with unbeliever" (Quoted from the Bible verse) . This means a Christian should not be too attached to a non-believer. Why is this so? This is because both parties have different values and different beliefs. The Christian puts God first and place God as their top priority because God is the most important to them. However, a non-believer may not be able to comprehend the value of God from a christian perspective. This means there can be no spiritual harmony between a Christian and non-believer. There are also things which the Christian can't do and a non-believer can. Christian are restricted to many things in order to be faithful to God. Hence, there will be conflict between both parties. There is nothing wrong with building a quality friendship with a non-believer but that is as far as a Christian can go. If a Christian were to date or marry a non-christian, he or she will be defying God because the Bible is God's word to them and Christians is suppose to follow what the Bible says. A Christian may ask for forgiveness from God by praying. Praying is a part of Christian and they do it often. It also helps Christian to grow closer to God.

 2. Why can't Christian drink or smoke? The Bible did not actually says Christian can't smoke or drink. Drinking is not a sin, drinking to excess is. The Bible says " Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life" . God want Christian to be the "master" of their body and does not want them to harm their body. A little alcohol is fine but excessive alcohol is considered a sin. The Bible says "Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." This means Christians must take care of their body but smoking and drinking certainly is not the way. The negative effects of smoking harms lungs and the body which God does not want. Hence , smoking is considered a sin in Christianity. I hope i have answer your doubts regarding Christianity.
