Monday, 29 July 2013 • 00:54 • 0 comments
I am sure most of you know what fasting is. Fasting is defined as abstinence of all food and liquid. However, one
can also fast from games, television, social media or other temptations. It
removes distraction in during the fasting period which make Christian more
focused in God. God wants Christian to resist temptations and be in control of
ourselves. It also provides them more
time to pray, seek God and repent. Fasting is optional and Christians need not
fast if they don’t want to. Fasting is also flexible which means you can choose
the types of fast and set a period of time for yourself. Fasting
is not healthy and should be limited to a specific length of time. The common
fasting period is 40 days. There are many different types of fast and here are
some of the common fast.
Total Fast
Christian who chose this fast needs
to abstain from solid foods and beverages for 24 hours in the period of 40
days. They are only allowed to take water.
The Partial Fast.
This fast is similar to the Muslim
fast which requires one to fast from sunrise to sundown. No food and water is
to be taken during the period of fasting.
1 Meal Fast.
This is pretty Self-explanatory.
Anyone who take this fast have to sacrifice one full meal a day for 40 days.
Beverage Fast.
Only water and other liquid foods
such as milk and milo are allowed. No solid food is to be taken for 24 hours
for a period of 40 days.
Daniel Fast
No meat and other favourite
delicacies is to be taken during the fasting period. Only consume small portion
of fresh vegetables, fruits and juices.
Esther Fast.
No solid food is to be taken for 3
days for 24 hours. Only water is allowed.
I hope this post allows you to
understand more about Fasting in Christianity.