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Giving, Relationship
Monday 29 July 2013 • 03:08 • 2 comments

Hi again. This will be my last post and it will be more in depth of what Christian follows and believe it.

Giving is a form of generosity to many people. Yes, but giving is a test of faith and how much you place priority over something valuable. The Bible tells Christian to give 10% of their income and Church needs money to operate. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (quoted from 2 Corinthians 9:7) from the Bible also tells Christian should give with their heart and not give forcefully. However, I believe churches should not and force Christians to give money or threaten them. God do not want Christian to place priority on the luxuries on Earth and they should care less about such things and focused more on God. It is also a test of faith in God. The Bible also talks about giving freely. When a Christian is willing to give freely, he / she will receive more blessing in return. The attitude of giving your money for donation shows how much you place priority over money."No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (Quoted from the Bible from the book of Luke)

God also wants Christian to place relationship over everything else. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, life is filled with many encounters that shows how he balanced the need of people and the tasks before him. This is from the Bible. “While being pressured to hurry through the crowds to see Jarius’s daughter, who was near death, Jesus stops to give a shy woman an opportunity to voice her faith”. Jesus Christ stopped and helped any woman despite the fact that he had to rush to somewhere. Jesus chose to meet a person’s needs over carry out the task He had at hand for that time.  Whether its relationship with friends, family and spouse, relationship is the top priority similarly to loving God.

Sure are many “rules” to follow in Christian but this does not mean Christian cannot have fun.  Here are some common misconceptions.

Christians should not enjoy any earthly pleasures.
Christian can enjoy the things in life and the key is not holding on to these Earthly things too tightly.

Once you become a Christian, God will solve all of your problems.
The Christian life is not easy and they are bound to face ups and downs. There will definitely be problems to overcome and some verses in the Bible offers encouragement for Christian facing difficult situations. 

That is all about Christianity. Thank you for taking your time and read through. 
