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Islam Part 4
Monday 22 July 2013 • 23:31 • 3 comments

Hello everyone, Han Yi here!

As per promised, I will talk about the other purification acts that is being carried out when a Muslim’s pureness is compromised. However, when do they know that ablution is necessary?

There are four states of taharah (cleanliness or purification), state of major impurity, state of minor impurity, normal state and state of ritual purity. The desired minimal state of immaculateness would be normal state.

Below is a table describing when someone is in which state of impurity and what purification acts is needed to restore or heighten the state of purity.

State of Taharah
Reasons for Impurity
Purification Acts
State of Taharah after
Major Impurity
Conversion, Childbirth, Mensuration
Ghusl (Includes istinja and wudu)
State of ritual purity
Minor Impurity
Nature’s Call
Normal state
Normal State
Breaking Wudu’
State of ritual purity
Ritual Purity

From the table, it can be seen that there are three main acts of depuration, ghusl, istinja and wudu. I will write in details now about istinja and ghusl.

There is no specific ritual having to be met out under istinja but there are some requirements to be met. Firstly, istinja means the cleaning of both private parts after urination or moving of the bowel. It is essential that clean, running tap water is used for this. The left hand is used for this routine.

Istinja must be performed immediately after answering to nature’s call. If not, the ghusl must be carried out.
One is in the state of minor impurity without istinja. Additionally, one cannot perform solat, nor can he recite and carry the Qur’ an.

Ghusl is an obligatory bath, which is the complete expurgation of the whole body. It is done when one is in the state of major impurity. Below is a list of detailed occasions, making the ghusl compulsory:
1. When one has sexual penetration
2. When the male overflows with the emission of semen
3. When the female has completed mensuration or their monthly period
4. When the female is in confinement in general or after giving birth
5. When one washes the dead before burial.

Performance of Ghusl
1. Do the istinja and wash the private parks properly
2. Take the wudu (except washing of feet)
3. Say the niyyah (intention as soon as the water touches your head
4. Wash the head (moustache, beard, sideburns for males), thoroughly three times, allowing the water to touch the root of the hair
5. Wash right part of the body three times thoroughly
6. Wash left part of the body three times thoroughly
7. Wash both feet.

One is in the state of major impurity if they need to complete the ghusl. Below is a list of what one is unable to do if they were in a state of major impurity:
1. Perform the solat
2. Do Tawaf or Ka ‘bah3. Carry the Qur ‘an (*Unless during an emergency)
4. Recite the Qur ‘an, but glorification of Allah and reading of bismil-lah is allowed.
5. Remain inside a mosque.

Picture of the place for ablution at the Sultan Mosque
Taken by myself

That is all for today! Tomorrow I will speak of one more purification rite, some Islamic etiquette and practices as well as some pictures that I took at the Sultan Mosque.

- Han Yi :3


The Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore. (2001). Essence of Islam. Singapore.