Religious Customs
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template by : leejaehyun
Islam Final
Tuesday 23 July 2013 • 01:53 • 5 comments

Hello everyone!
Sadly, today will be my last post for this project. It has been a fulfilling two to three weeks of researching, reading and taking photos for my work. Hopefully, everyone who has taken the time to read our blog has heighten their knowledge on the various rituals that the 5 major religions practice. I will attempt to keep this post less wordy and more visually stimulating (even though it excites me to write so much about this religion woop woop!)

The last two posts have been intense on purification rituals and on solat. There is another sanctification act that was quite interesting to me. (Hint: It was mentioned on
post 2)
Family plant
Picture taken by myself

Have you ever thought of using soil or sand to clean your face? Yup, I doubt so either! However, there is actually a procedure in the Islamic circle that uses clean fine sand for dry ablution. This unique ritual is called the tayammum.

This procedure truly embraces the saying "Desperate time calls for desperate measures". The routine is an alternative for 
ghusl and wudu.

With niyyah (intention), the palms of the hands are tapped on the surface where there is clean fine sand or dust. Then, the face is wiped with it. The second tapping is repeated, to clean the two hands.

Tayammum is permitted (as a mean of purification for both minor and major impurities) under the following conditions:
1. Absence or inadequate water
2. Water available sufficient for sustenance
3. If the use of water aggravates one’s illnesses
4. If there is danger in reaching the source of water.

(Did I say this post won’t be wordy, I think I lied.)

I decided not to tell you about Islamic etiquettes and practices, in a terrible attempt to stop myself from rambling on. I’m sorry!

Now, for the pictures I took at the Sultan Mosque! I missed the visiting hours but managed to take some photos of the mosque.

If you are interested to go to this temple, it is called the Sultan Mosque. This magnificent masjid is located on 3 Muscat Street. For more information,
click here!

Side view from Golden Landmark of Sultan Mosque
Picture taken by myself

Taken on the street opp Sultan Mosque
Picture taken by myself

Lady walking up to the second level for prayers
Picture taken by myself

Men praying in the group w Imam leading in the centre
Picture taken by myself

Gates surrounding praying area
Picture taken by myself

Board with timings outside praying area
Picture taken by myself

Signage outside praying area
Women who are physically fit are encouraged to use the Women Prayer Hall on the 2nd Floor"
Picture taken by myself

Ablution area
Picture taken by myself

Side view (right) of Sultan Mosque
Picture taken by myself

This is all for the blog! There are two things I’d like to talk about but holding the fact that I have only 5 posts and limited word count, I can’t. D:

Keep reading books and the news to constantly widen your horizon! Thank you for staying tune into the religion I am researching on. There will be other posts done by my group members on the other religions, do keep checking back till the end of this week.

- Han Yi